Welcome to
the Positive PA
The Story of the Positive PA
I am Ann-Marie Brennand, multi-award winning EA and the author of the Positive PA blog. I initially created this blog to share, what I hope, will be useful nuggets of information and insights for other PAs and EAs. In 2016 I accidentally fell into being a PA, I soon realised that this was a brilliant role to have within an organisation because, let's face it, us PA/EAs are the 'beating heart' of an organisation. We get front line exposure to the business operations and by supporting our Executives can have a direct impact on business performance. We wear many hats from events managers, culture creators, communication/ PR managers, strategic partners, minute takers, considerate calendar coordinators, wellbeing supporters, meeting enablers and action implementers. With all of these roles within our responsibility, we are the central cog of our teams, departments and organisations that keeps things moving.
I hope you enjoy reading my blogs and find them useful. Click here if you want to find out a bit more about me and my mentoring service.
Happy reading.